1. YouTube.com was made by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim with the initial goal to show the video clip to a dinner party where his friends are too large to email. Merea three of us work for PayPal at the time.
2. Jawed Karim first to post YouTube videos on April 23, 2005. With the title "Me at Zoo" (I'm in a zoo) containing Karim with some elephants lasted 18 seconds.
3. YouTube domain birthday when Valentine's Day 2005.
4. Each week, YouTubers producing the same old videos to 60,000 movies. If no one else is uploading a video, you need about 1,700 years to watch all the videos on this website.
5. 70% of YouTube users are Americans. 50% of those aged 20 years or less.
6. Countries who upload videos are most Americans, the British second. State the most widely watched video is American, both of Japan.
7. YouTube banned in China, Iran, Libya, Tunisia, Turkey and Turkmenistan. Had also been banned in Brazil, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Arabia, Syria, Thailand and United Arab Emirates.
8. Video "Bad Romance" Lady Gaga is the most popular videos on YouTube, viewed 250 million times. "Charlie bit my finger" which record the finger biting his older brother Charlie, gets 212 million views, this video makes video the most watched non-commercial use.
9. In 2006, Google bought YouTube for $ 1.6 billion dollars. That's a lot to remember YouTube is often losing money consistently. In 2009, YouTube lost 174.2 million dollars. The year 2010 is planned as the first year YouTube generate profit.YouTube is popular, but it's hard to make money.
10. Ten favorite YouTube channel:
1. NigaHiga
2. Fred
3. ShaneDawsonTV
4. Smosh
5. RayWilliamJohnson
6. Universalmusicgroup
7. Sxephil
8. Machinima
9. ShaneDawsonTV2
10. Davedays
11. Five famous people most in demand channel:
1. Michael Jackson
2. Arnold Schwarzenegger
3. Oprah Winfrey
4. Barack Obama
5. Pope Benedict XVI
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