Shayna Jo Afaisen was crowned Miss Universe Guam 2011 on June 3rd, 2011. Shayna is 23 year old and will represent Guam in Miss Universe 2011 pageant.

Bear Grylls crawls through Mount Borradile in Australia (Pic: Discovery)
WRESTLING lions, climbing Everest and jumping out of planes are all child’s play for TV hardman Bear Grylls, but trying to propose to his girlfriend made his teeth chatter and left him unable to speak.
Blushing at the memory, the former SAS man turned TV adventurer admits: “It was 9am on a cold Monday morning on the Atlantic coast in Spain, and Shara and I were skinny dipping.
“I got down on one knee, got half a sentence out and then a huge wave took me and rolled me up the beach. So I tried a second time.
“She was laughing, but she said ‘yes’.
“We’ve been married 11 years now and I really lucked out with her. I probably didn’t really know her before we got married. I liked the look of her, loved her, but didn’t really know her. She has been amazing.”
Bear and wife Shara
Living with a man who cheerfully admits he has cheated death at least 40 times during adventures in the remotest corners of the planet cannot be easy.
Shara has to wait at home with children Jesse, Marmaduke and Huckleberry while he sets off to survive in the most inhospitable environments on Earth armed with little more than a smile.
So the 37-year-old Man vs Wild star spares her the gorier details.
He said: “She has lived with it for a long time, but I don’t tell her a lot about it.
“When I get home I always strip off my filthy clothes and jump in the bath. She winces when she sees all the bruises and scrapes I have got on my body.
“If she does watch the programmes she’ll wince, but she much prefers Sex and the City anyway.”
For Grylls, each day is a boy’s own adventure. A TV star at home and in America, he is also Chief Scout – a post of which he is extremely proud.
Bear Grylls slides down a rock face in Montana, USA
Bear catches and eats a frog in Hainan Island, China
Scouting inspired him into the life he now leads, but he was a difficult child. His Tory MP father was often away and young Grylls craved attention which led to bad behaviour at school.
In one incident, he bit a boy so hard he drew blood. He said: “I was always getting into scrapes and learning the hard way how to get out of them.
“I don’t know why I was difficult. My mum said I would end up as an assassin, John the Baptist or Robin Hood and I took that as a bit of a compliment. I have mellowed over the years.
“I wanted attention, but I wasn’t really that bad just a little bit troublesome in my younger years.”
Later, he went to a private prep school and then on to Eton where bullying was rife. “There was this guy who was incredibly strong and was always high on glue sniffing,” he remembers.
“Once I was hiding from him in a cupboard and he opened the door, grabbed me and threw me across the room. I had my head flushed down the loo loads of times, we all did. I was lifted up by my underpants and put on pegs on the back of doors. You had to buy underpants that were really thin, so they would rip if they tried to do that.”
Most Eton boys enter the Army via officer training at Sandhurst.
Not Grylls. His love of mountaineering and outdoor life spurred him to join the SAS as an ordinary soldier. After failing the gruelling selection procedure once, he finally managed to get into the elite regiment as a reservist.
“A lot of my friends went off to join a smart regiment as an officer but I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to join at the bottom as a soldier, not as an officer.
“I got a lot of stick to start with from the other recruits but that’s life and you just get on with it.
“If you pass you are there on your own merit regardless of whether you are white or black speak like this or speak like that – you’ve earned it.”
Like many SAS veterans, Grylls is cagey about what action he saw.
“I got posted twice in North Africa but I can’t talk about that,” he says. “What we did there was nothing like what the guys are doing now. What was a kind of focusing thing for us is routine for them now. Friends are serving in Afghanistan and all over the place and doing incredible things.
“What we did, even though we were excited at the time, doesn’t compare.”
But after four and a half years with the regiment a routine parachute jump very nearly killed him.
“It was 40,000ft over the desert in southern Africa,” he says. “It was getting dark and the canopy ripped and I should have cut it away and used the reserve, but I panicked.
I thought I could control it but I was losing height. Before you know it I had smacked into the ground on my back.
“I broke three vertebrae in my back but I was very lucky and it could have been way, way worse.”
Grylls, sipping water in a fashionable London hotel, is now a shining beacon of positive attitudes, but he admits that struggling to get well again after the accident was the lowest point in his life.
“It was a really dark time,” he says quietly. “People say you must be very positive to go from hospital to climbing Everest. But it wasn’t like that. It was a bad time of trying to build hope and confidence, and movement.
“The lowest point came a few months after, the sympathy has died down and you are still trying to get up and it still hurts. And you don’t know what you will ever be able to do.
“It wasn’t a great time…”
In his new book Mud, Sweat And Tears, Grylls details how he eventually climbed out of his hospital bed and then carried on climbing up Everest, before venturing into Antarctica.
But becoming a TV presenter was the biggest challenge he faced.
Bear Grylls using his ladder in a waterfall in Montana, USA
He concentrates in Hainan, China
Bear jumps through a window of a ruined building
When approached by Channel 4 he initially turned down the job.
He says: “I said no three times. I didn’t want to be a smiley TV presenter but they said they wanted the mud, the guts, the real thing.
“I got the fear two days before, I was so far out of my comfort zone. But my wife said why not try to do it then you know what you are saying no to.
“Shooting rapids, chasing snakes and climbing cliffs, it was everything I loved. It is a total privilege and I think what an idiot I was that I almost said no.”
Ryan Giggs' brother hunted him with a hammer over claims the player bedded another of his lovers. A source said: "Rhodri went ballistic." Ryan is also alleged to have slept with Rhodri's wife Natasha.
Rhodri Giggs at his Bolton home (Pic:DailyMirror)
Enraged at his brother’s betrayal, Rhodri Giggs set out on a revenge mission that pals feared would end in horror for soccer star Ryan.
Wielding a claw hammer, fuming Rhodri tried to track down the Manchester United star after finding he allegedly had a fling with his girlfriend, it was claimed last night.
A source claimed the situation could have got “very nasty” after he flew off the handle when he heard Giggs had apparently cheated on him.
The source added: “When he found out he went ballistic, and went looking for Ryan with a hammer.
“It was all calmed down eventually but it had the potential to get very nasty indeed.”
The alleged fling happened before former Wales international Giggs met wife Stacey.
It was a situation that mirrors the one the brothers find themselves in today amid claims the player had an eight-year affair with Rhodri’s wife Natasha, 28.
Ryan Giggs presented himself as a family man
The source claimed: “Ryan and the girl met up a few times before Rhodri discovered what was going on.”
Giggs, 37, is battling to save his marriage to Stacey after his alleged affair with Natasha.
Ryan Giggs and wife Stacey last month
He has taken her and their children to a secret holiday destination as the fallout from the scandal grows.
Natasha is said to have confessed to devastated Rhodri, 34, and a friend last week that she had been romping with her brother-in-law.
She claimed they regularly slept together after first meeting at a Manchester club in 2003. Giggs denies the affair.
The Mirror revealed how she only spilled the beans after a third woman claimed to have bedded the Old Trafford favourite – who has presented himself as a loyal family man during his glittering career with the Red Devils.
He is also at the centre of allegations that he had a fling with Big Brother star Imogen Thomas, 29.
And yesterday, we reported claims that Giggs had tried to seduce Natasha’s 49-year-old mum Lorraine Lever, sparking a furious family row. In 2002, Rhodri was jailed for nine months after attacking a man with a beer bottle in a fight outside the Ampersand nightclub in Manchester.
The assault, following an argument about football, was caught on CCTV cameras and described by a judge as “ugly and violent”.
Rhodri’s best friend Will Mellor told how claims his wife has been cheating on him with his brother have turned his world “upside down”.
Rhodri's best man Will Mellor talked to Daybreak
The former Hollyoaks star yesterday described his pal as an innocent victim and said he was struggling to cope with his wife’s betrayal.
He added: “It’s a horrible time. Imagine having your world tipped upside down in one night, if you can imagine what that’s like.
“It’s a horrendous time for everyone who’s innocent in this.
“I just hope it blows over sooner rather than later and he can start rebuilding his life. It is a very difficult time for him.” Will spoke of the scandal when he appeared on ITV’s Daybreak.
He told presenter Kate Garraway: “The innocent parties need to start rebuilding what’s left of their lives.”
Giggs’s world began to unravel on April 14 after he obtained an injunction banning the publication of his name and claims he had an affair with Imogen.
He was eventually named on Twitter and threats to sue the social network site backfired when thousands of users bombarded message boards repeating the allegations.
Imogen is still banned from talking about the alleged affair.
She has now delayed plans for a charity walk up Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania as she waits for the furore to die down.
But Imogen told organisers she could not fly out to Africa because the revelations of her alleged affair had made her life “crazy”.
Imogen Thomas has cancelled a charity walk
The former Miss Wales said in a magazine: “It went so big, it was a lot to deal with. I was meant to be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in two weeks’ time.
“But because of everything that’s happened, I can’t do it, so I’ve put it back to a later date.”
Imogen also confessed she once dated Russell Brand and said she prefers rugby players to footballers. She added: “I like tall, I like good-looking.
“I like rugby guys. I was brought up in the rugby world.”
Cheryl Cole (Pic: Rex Features)
CHERYL Cole is launching a charity website – by selling 20 of her favourite frocks.
Putting her X Factor woes behind her, she unveiled The Cheryl Cole Foundation site yesterday, which she set up with The Prince’s Trust.
Cheryl has also teamed up with online fashion retailer ASOS to auction off 20 items from her wardrobe.
These include the Phillip Lim playsuit she had on for X Factor’s 2009 auditions, and a £1,100 Hervé Léger bandage dress she wore on a night out with Girls Aloud bandmate Nicola Roberts in 2008.
They go up for grabs for two weeks from June 13.
Cheryl, 27, said: “Clearing out my wardrobe, it occurred to me that the clothes I was bagging up for charity could benefit my own charity.
“I want to help young people all over the UK and put money raised through my Foundation into projects like the ones The Prince’s Trust runs.”
John Terry and wife Toni take a break in Abu Dhabi (
HAVE you ever wondered how stand-by-their-man Wags put their relationships back together after their men are revealed as cheats?
Me neither. But here’s Toni Terry showing us all anyway.
Lucky Toni and her brilliant, inspiring hubby John are on holiday in Abu Dhabi, where she proved she was willing to do whatever it takes – even putting on an aquatic soft porn show – to keep his attention.
First Toni put on a swimsuit so hideous even Jordan wouldn’t be seen dead in it, for tan-line reasons alone. If Pretty Woman had included a beach scene, this is what prozzie Vivian would have worn in it.
Toni’s actually got a great body, never mind for her age, but the cut-out thong-strosity is so unflattering – what it’s doing to her figure is even more of a betrayal than… oh, you know, nothing.
The totally happily married couple turned heads – and probably a fair few stomachs – on the beach when John scooped Toni up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, exposing her entire derriere to all.
Classily, and appropriately, John and Toni’s children were on the beach with them, so were able to enjoy a close-up view of their parents’ gropefest in full. Anyway, jolly good show, Toni. Oh, and Stacey Giggs: welcome to your future.
Pictures Yu Tsai/
She's a sex symbol, her hubby’s a sex addict... so you’d expect their love-life to sizzle.
And, says Katy Perry, that’s exactly how marriage to Russell Brand has turned out.
The pin-up California Gurls singer reveals: “We’re not like the stereotypical joke of a married couple. I’m married to Russell Brand – I don’t just have sex once a week!”
We doubt Russell, 36, will tire of all that wedded bliss any time soon. Not when Katy, 26, looks this hot in her latest photo shoot – wearing sexy over-the-knee socks, suspenders, a low-cut, backside-skimming dress and raunchy hotpants.But there IS another side to their home life, says Katy, who wed the British comic in India last October: “It is just about us chilling with the cats and putting a movie on and eating.”
She is about to head off on her marathon California Dreams world tour and Russell is filming this year – but they will meet regularly to keep the passion alive.
And she has plenty of ideas for doing that... “I have secrets and magic tricks, of course. I can’t share them because then you’d all know, but let’s just say I’m not shy.” Lucky Russ!