Phenomena are not only affects mystical Indonesia. In the United Kingdom, there is also a mystical phenomenon. It is believed, this apparition seen at several campuses in the United Kingdom. Here are 10 campuses in the United Kingdom known as haunted as quoted from the Telegraph.
1. University of Andrews.
In medieval times, the University of St Andrews is a religious center in Scotland and is believed to be one of the most haunted locations in the country.
Sightings are most commonly seen is the White Lady, which most often appear in the bottom chamber of the cathedral. The apparition is seen wearing a long white gown with her hair up to her waist. In 1868, two masons found a coffin while repairing a tower. One of the open casket containing the body and the young woman in a white dress and white gloves, are preserved.
2. Durham University.
It did not take long to make the ears and the hair stand on end when it settled at Durham University in the old castle 800 years. Legend has it that in the 19th century, the wife of Bishop Van Mildert, Grey Lady floats up and down in the Black Staircase in the castle, since had died. Prior owned university, the castle is owned by the bishop.
In the past, one of the students of Durham, Frederick Copeman also believed to be an apparition in the castle. Mentioned that Copeman threw herself from the tower of the cathedral after failing the exam.
3. Southampton University.
Built on an ancient Indian burial ground, the campus named at Southampton University Avenue Campus there is a female ghost sightings. A campus staff reported having seen a pair of disembodied arms sticking out from the bottom of the toilet cubicle.
While security staff who got the night shift, heard footsteps and moving furniture in an empty classroom.
4. Cambridge University.
Peterhouse, the oldest college at Cambridge University is a place of mystical activity. In the late 90's, ghosts from the treasurer of the 18th century who hanged himself, seen on various occasions.
This has led some college staff refused to enter a room with oak wood from the 13th century. The news circulated, was born visible ghost in this room.
5. Oxford University.
Some students who were studying a group at night in the library of St. John's College claimed to see apparitions of a headless man holding a candle while kicking his head on the floor.
St John's College is one of the existing campus in Oxford. The apparition is believed to be the ghost of Archbishop William Laud. He is a former chancellor of Oxford, who was beheaded for treason in 1645.
6. Exeter University.
Ghosts at Exeter University said to be a painter wearing overalls, with a brush in one hand and a can of paint in the other. He explored the main campus buildings after the hall was killed while working.
Some believe she died from an assassin murdered while others believe he is an assassin. Whatever the opinion that came out, it is believed that the ghosts want to be in place to finish the job.
7. University of York.
A recent survey of the paranormal in York reported as many as 500 ghost haunts the walled city. While in 2002, the Ghost Research Institute International (IGRF) stated that York is a city in Europe's most haunted.
Sightings are visible including the Roman legionnaires troops marching through the cellar. In addition, there was weeping children who were killed and buried in the soil buried beneath a school in Victorian times.
8. Brunel University.
Part of Brunel University is a former hospital building insulation for infectious diseases. The campus has a history of unexplained phenomena, especially on the campus of St.. John's.
A secretary who had psychic abilities such as media reports to the campus has seen "a young girl wearing a hospital gown walking down the corridor".
9. Royal Holloway, University of London.
Rumor has it that the founder of the University of Surrey, Thomas Holloway haunt the plaza Royal Holloway as a black cat. Story by word of mouth says that a cursed painting in the photo gallery university.
This gallery is a place of examination. At the time of the examination, the painting is usually covered with a British flag, Union Jack. Rumors say that the current exam, a student had a very disturbed by what he saw in the painting and then killed himself at his desk.
The painting entitled 'Man Proposes, God Disposes', painted by Sir Edwin Lanseer in 1864. This painting depicts two bears persecute Franklin, who was killed while on an expedition to explore the North Pole.
10. University of Wales, Newport.
Sightings are most often seen is a fat woman wearing brown overalls with her hair in a bun. This apparition scene familiar to those who live and work at the University of Wales, Newport.
Known as Big Bertha, this woman called Bertha Ramsey, a matron who was found dead under the stairs after falling from the second floor during the Christmas holidays in 1962.
Even before the ghost made its first appearance, the chancellor insisted on seeing twin sister Bertha, at the funeral. Previously unknown, Bertha did not have a twin brother.
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