Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

The Faith Based Transphobes Strike Back-Louisiana Girl Scout Troops Disband Over Trans Inclusive Policy

The trans community applauded when 7 year old transkid Bobbi Montoya was allowed to join a Colorado Girl Scout troop last fall after initially being rejected for having 'boy parts'.

Well, some adults and conservabigots are tripping, and the latest group of people having a problem with little Bobbi's membership in the Girl Scouts hail from the state of Louisiana.

Three Girl Scout leaders who head troops based at the Northlake Christian Church in Covington, LA resigned, disbanded their troops and are exploring joining the right wing Christian conservative American Heritage Hate Girls.

AHG was ostensibly founded in 1995 because of the Girl Scouts' inclusive decision to allow scouts to substitute another word or phrase for “God” in their promise.   It's more like the conservative movement failed in their attempt to take over the Girl Scouts like they successfully did with the Boy Scouts and have been hatin' on them every chance they get..

And oh yeah, there are Girl Scouts who call the Creator by another name like Allah.

One of the Covington Three leaders, Susan Bryant-Snure told The Baptist Press that the Girl Scouts' action is "extremely confusing" and an "almost dangerous situation" for children. "This goes against what we [Northlake Christian School] believe,"

Susan, there no 'confusion' or 'almost dangerous situation', as you falsely claimed.  The position of the Girl Scouts of Colorado is quite clear on the matter of trans kids in Girl Scouts.

If a child identifies as a girl and the child's family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.

Susan, the only one who is confused here is you and the people of Northlake 'Christian' Church if you believe that your transphobia and bigotry trump the human rights of trans children  

And I feel sorry for the girls who are stuck with you as a troop leader.

By the way, you need Jesus, and not that conservafool version either.

I can't wait for the 2012 Girl Scout cookie drive to start because I'm tripling my usual order this year. 

Ada Apa dengan Hari Ibu?

Hari ini mungkin bagi sebagian orang merupakan hari biasa saja, namun bagi sebagian orang yang lainnya hari ini menjadi salah satu hari yang istimewa. Anda sudah tau ada apa di hari ini? Jika belum, silahkan buka Facebook ataupun Twitter, dimana sebagian besar topik pembicaraan adalah mengenai hari ini, yaitu peringatan hari Ibu.

Pada peringatan hari Ibu ini, Mereka semua sangat bangga, bersyukur dan berterimakasih kepada ibunya berkat segalanya yang telah diberikan kepadanya. Saya banyak melihat orang yang mengupdate statusnya via Facebook maupun Twitter tentang ucapan terima kasih dan rasa bersyukurnya kepada ibunya masing-masing

Di kedua situs jejaring sosial tersebut, ada banyak orang yang mengungkapkan rasa sayang kepada ibunya. Misalnya aja dengan status seperti ini, “Mama, hari ini adalah hari khusus mama, tanpa mama dan papa, aku tidak akan ada disini. Berkat kasih sayang dan kebaikan hati mama yang telah menjadikan aku seperti sekarang ini… Kasih mama tiada terhingga sepanjang masa, aku hanya bisa membuat mama bangga dengan aku sebagai tanda terima kasihku… I <3 You Mom.. Selamat Hari Ibu….”

Sejarah Hari Ibu

Hampir setiap negara di dunia ini turut merayakan hari Ibu, namun hanya saja berbeda tanggalnya. Di Indonesia, hari Ibu diperingati setiap tanggal 22 Desember, sedangkan di negara lainnya, peringatan hari ibu umumnya setiap tangal 8 Maret.

Alasan dijadikannya tanggal 22 Desembe sebagai peringatan hari Ibu di Indonesia adalah karena sejarah Indonesia, dimana dulu pada tangal 22 Desember 1928, para pejuang wanita yang kebanyakan ibu-ibu mengadakan Kongres Perempuan Indonesia yang pertama. Dari kongres tersebut, terbentuklah Kowani, yaitu Kongres Wanita Indonesia.

Kita sendiri juga pasti banyak mendengar para tokoh perjuangan Indonesia yang wanita, misalnya seperti R.A. Kartini, Cut Nyak Dien, Dewi Sartika dan masih banyak lainnya. Walaupun sebagian dari mereka telah menjadi Ibu untuk anak-anaknya, namun mereka tetap berjuang untuk merebut kemerdekaan negara kita dari tangan penjajah asing.

Dengan latar belakang sejarah itulah, hingga kini ditetapkan setiap tanggal 22 Desember menjadi hari Ibu, sebagai tanda terima kasih dan rasa sayang kita terhadap ibu kita yang telah berjuang dan memberikan kasih sayang kepada kita dengan tulus ikhlas. Kasih sayang tersebut akan selalu terkenang abadi hingga akhir menutup mata.

Sungguh, Ibu adalah orang yang paling berharga bagi kita di dunia ini. Yang pertama adalah Ibu, kedua adalah Ibu, ketiga adalah Ibu, dan yang keempat baru Ayah… betapa besar dan hebatnya seorang Ibu. Untuk itu, marilah kita mengungkapkan rasa sayang kita terhadap Ibu kita, bukan hanya di hari ini, namun setiap hari. Walaupun itu tak seberapa dibandingkan dengan kasih Ibu kepada anaknya yang tak terhingga sepanjang masa.

Terima kasih Ibu…

Sumber gambar :

Congresswoman Yvette Clarke Statement To End Bias Against Black Trans People

I missed this one when it originally was posted on the NBJC website during the TDOR, but it needs to be seen especially with us in the holiday season and less than two weeks from starting a new year.  

I'm not surprised to hear that it came from Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (D-NY).   Back in 2007 she was one of the group of liberal progressive Democrats who voted NO against Barney's unjust trans free ENDA bill..

She also released this statement in reaction to the Injustice At Every Turn survey that documents just how much hell African-American transpeople are catching.

“I applaud theNational Black Justice Coalition and its partners The National Center forTransgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force for thisgroundbreaking survey. We have always had anecdotal information regarding thetremendous hurdles that Black transgender people face, but this survey providesus with cold, hard facts - facts that we as policy makers must act on!
“One of the mostimportant findings in this survey was that anti-transgender bias, coupled withstructural and individual racism, resulted in transgender people of colorexperiencing devastatingly high levels of discrimination. Specifically, Blackrespondents reported the highest levels of discrimination, including a 26%unemployment rate, which is two times the rate of the overall transgendersample and four times the rate of the general population; a 32% job lost due toanti-transgender bias; and, of those who are employed, 15% report beingphysically assaulted at work and 13% report being sexually assaulted atwork simply because they are transgender.

“We are in the 21st century, andmost enlightened people would have expected that issues of discrimination –especially in education and employment – would have been eradicated bynow.  Discrimination in any form and against any individual or group isnot acceptable. Therefore, in the coming months, I will work with the NationalBlack Justice Coalition to shed light on these findings and to address theissues raised by this important survey.”