Jumat, 18 November 2011

Without Chicken Feathers Has Successfully Developed by Scientists

An Israeli geneticist, Avigdor Cahaner, produce genetically featherless chicken first in the world in genetics faculty Rehovot Agronomy Institute near Tel Aviv, Israel. 

Chicken with bare skin was created by cross-breeding between species Broiler Chickens with chicken that has a hairless neck. 

The idea behind the development of this naked chicken poultry species aim to produce a more efficient, ie chickens that can survive in warm climates countries, in other words, the chicken is no longer need air-conditioning that will save maintenance costs broilers. 

And of course, the chicken is no need of hair removal before processing, thus cutting production costs at the processing plant. 

But many who oppose innovation featherless chicken genetics of this and say that the changes do not benefit the animal, and in fact likely to make life a naked chickens are even worse. 

Roosters can not afford to marry because they can not flap their wings for balance, and this also affects the hen. 

Because the chickens are not hairy, chickens are more susceptible to parasites, skin diseases, mosquitoes attack, temperature variations and sunburn. 

Professor Avigdor Cahaner, defended the generation of naked chicken by saying,
"This is not a genetically modified chicken, it comes from the natural descendants whose characteristics have been known for 50 years, I just helped him to quickly grow. Chicken broiler chickens is normal, except for the fact it has no feathers."

The scientists also hope the new generation will grow faster because it does not need to use energy to menuumbuhkan fur on his body, so the chicken will focus on the food to be absorbed so that chicken meat could be more obese. 

News of chicken feathers munculpada first time in 2002, and since then no new thing to hear. The lack of updates in the media about the special chicken showed that the creation of Mr. Cahaner was never commercially breed. 

Genetic Innovation chicken without feathers is actually been done since 2002, and new developments about the news mini chicken without feathers show naked chicken genetics can not be developed for commercial markets. 

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